Help Me Grow

The goal of Help Me Grow Minnesota is to promote healthy development for every child in Minnesota, prenatal through third grade. Help Me Grow (HMG) is a unique, comprehensive, and integrated statewide system designed to address the need for early identification of developmental and/or behavioral concerns, and then to link children and their families to local services that promote healthy development and support safe, stable and nurturing homes.

Why is it important? A variety of services and resources that support healthy child developmental already exist in communities across Minnesota, but families often don’t know about or have trouble connecting to the services they need. Help Me Grow addresses this by building collaboration among community programs, providing a centralized access point for information and referral, promoting developmental and social-emotional screenings, and educating and informing the community on the importance of healthy child development.

Who can benefit from Help Me Grow? Help Me Grow supports families, child health care, early care and education, human service providers, community leaders and elders. The community can use Help Me Grow to identify early signs of developmental or behavioral concerns and the available comprehensive resources to address their needs. Without HMG this sensitive period of opportunity may be missed due to difficulty in finding and navigating appropriate resources.